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29 Aug 2018


Independence Day is an official national holiday in Nigeria, celebrated annually on the first day of October. It marks Nigeria's proclamation of independence from British rule on 1 October 1960. As part of our youth engagement programme, we want to celebrate this day by giving a cash price of 5000.00 NGN to one patriotic person in Nigeria. For a chance to win you simply need to answer 30 questions about Nigeria; accessible through any internet enabled mobile phone/tablet.

Date of challenge: October 1, 2018
Time: Opens 1pm and closes 2pm
Theme: General knowledge about Nigeria (e.g., who was the president of Nigeria in 2015)
Number of questions: 30

How to enter and play the challenge:
- Install Kahoot! App on your mobile device
- Open the App and enter the challenge PIN (Note: PIN would be posted on our Facebook page just before 1pm on October, 1, 2018)
- Tap to accept the challenge
- Tap on an unlocked round 1 (Note: There are 3 questions per round and a total of 10 rounds. You must complete round 1 to unlock the next round)
- Choose a nickname
- Start playing!
- When you finish round 1, tap on an unlocked round 2
- Continue playing until you finish the final round (i.e., round 10)
Note: Only 100 people can take part in this challenge so we encourage participants to Follow us on Facebook in order to receive notification when the challenge PIN is published. Only the first 100 people to enter the PIN will be able to take part

Test yourself with this mock challenge:
We have provided a mock challenge for you to familiarize yourself with Kahoot! Once downloaded, enter this PIN number (0121214) and complete the 5 question challenge about country flags. The challenge is now live until September 25, 2018. You can re-take it as many times as you wish within this period to prepare yourself for the challenge on October 1, 2018. Please note that this is for test only and the actual challenge is not about country flags; but rather “General knowledge about Nigeria”

Who can enter the challenge?
Anyone in Nigeria aged 15 or over

How do I access the challenge PIN?
The PIN would be posted on our Facebook page just before 1pm on October 1, 2018. To receive the notification quicker, Follow/Like our page Facebook page @dnnfoundation.

How do you determine the winner?
Points are scored based on accuracy, response time and accuracy streak. For example, all questions offer 1000 points if you respond correctly in under 0.5 seconds. Points for correct answer reduces based on response time. Also, +100 points is awarded for each consecutive correct answer. This will cap on the 5th answer streak, awarding no more than 500 pts per answer streak. You will lose your streak after an incorrect answer and must build it back up.

How do I know if I win or loose?
Your position would be shown on screen as you go through the challenge. You will also see your final position once you complete the challenge.

If I win, how do I get the cash prize?
The winner must take a screenshot of their device and post on our Facebook page for confirmation. S/he must also email a Nigerian Bank Account where the money would be paid. We would usually pay the money immediately but there may be delay from the Bank due to public holiday. Note: We would require the winner’s photo to publish their achievement on our website and Facebook page.